Fundraising campaign for Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe

Spendenaktion Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe

Today started with a focus on social responsibility at ZERA. We were very happy to hand over a donation cheque for 2,840 euros to the Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe (German foundation for helping children with cancer). The money was raised through a private fundraising initiative by the employees of ZERA GmbH.

Mrs Britta Obliers (Human Resources + Finance) and Frank Monschau (Works Council) welcomed Mrs Cornelia Stege, Consultant Major Donations, from the Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe. She explained the foundation’s wide range of activities and its great successes in recent decades.

The non-profit organisation has been working throughout Germany since 1996 to fight cancer at young age. Further information on the foundation can be found on Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe | Für krebskranke Kinder.

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