Always informed: with our news.

The energy market is always in a state of flux. Intelligent energy networks, smart meters and new instrument transformer technologies demand constant change in meter and instrument transformer testing technology.

We are glad to inform you on current issues: Read the latest specialized information as well as the most important reports on our products and events.

Interoperability – IOP

A term that is mentioned more frequently in the context of Smart Metering is interoperability. This means that devices, even from different manufacturers or dev...

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Dc Testing Test Bench Web

Safety in DC meter testing

Our stationary test systems for testing DC meters are not only equipped with the digital measuring system of the STM6000 series, but also have an additional saf...

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Open House – video clip

On the "Open House" we welcomed about 600 guests in our new building in Humboldtstraße. We presented our production, demonstrated the latest products and answer...

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New PV system in use

From now on, we at ZERA are double happy when the sun is shining, because it also means that our new PV system brings the best performance. With the start of mo...

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Open House News  Tag der offenen Tuer ZERA

Open House on 13 May

We warmly invite you to our "Open House" on Saturday, 13 May at Humboldtstr. 2a in Koenigswinter, Germany. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., we will be celebrating our 10...

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